KM Bodycare

Health and Wellness Now

News Flash:

This section of my web site will be dedicated to short informational News Flashes. Short clips of information that I find interesting and educational. I will be highlighting Herbs, Vitamins,  Minerals, Foods and Cell Salts with you. I love humor, so you never know what might show up in this section.  We will update this section seasonally.

Food Flash:

A Winter diet ideally produces more "Body Heat" than a Summer diet.  It is the season of Fresh Citrus, Steamed or Baked Vegetable's and Complex Carbohydrates.  Spice it up with Ginger, Garlic and Cayenne.                  Oranges, Lemons, Limes, Grapefruit and Pomegranates are all delicious Winter Fruits.  All these fruits are loaded with Vitamin C and Fiber.  One medium orange has more than 100% of your daily requirement of "C".  A balanced Winter diet also consists of Dark Leafy Green such as Kale, Chard, Collards all of which are high in Vitamin C, A and K.  Root Vegetable's i.e. Potatoes, Turnips, Winter Squash (Butternut, Acorn, Delicata and Spaghetti Sauce).  One cup of Winter Squash has only 80 calories and is rich in Vitamin  A, C, B-6, K, Potassium and Folic Acid.  Complex Carbohydrates also give your body the energy it needs for Winter.  Millet, Buckwheat and Brown Rice are examples.


Cell Salt Flash:

Silica                                             Sagittarius

Key salt for: Bones, glands and the skin

It is a remedy tor ailments with pus formation. Especially indicated in people how are always chilly.


Cal Phos- AKA Phosphate of lime  Capricorn        

Key salt for: issues with the knees, lower limbs, skin disorders, fractures, corns and warts

This cell salt gives solidity to the bones, helps twitching eye lids. It helps with Flatus and heartburn


Nat Mur- AKA Chloride of Sodium or Common Salt                                  Aquarius

 Key Salt for: Cramps in the legs, blood impurities, issues of one eye (left in women and right in men).

Ferrum Phos  AKA-Phosphate of Iron Pisces

Key salt for: Gout , boils, ulcers, abscesses, corns, bunions

Iron is found in every cell in the body. Iron restores tone, equalizes the circulation and abates fever.

Additional Cell Salt Information