KM Bodycare

Health and Wellness Now


Autumn information 2013

Vitamin A- nsp 4065-3 ( A & D combination) Vitamin A also known as beta carotene. It is a fat soluble vitamin that supports vision and skin heath, it is also an antioxidant. It is found in orange and yellow foods. Green leafy vegetables also have a good amount of Vitamin A in them too.  You can also find it in fish oil, egg yolk and butter. Since it is a fat soluble vitamin toxicity can occur if taken in to large of quantities

Vitamin B - nsp -1625-4  (B complex)  It aids in digestion and supports the nervous system.  It is found in whole grains.

The pungent tastes of autumn herbs comes as we move towards the roots.

Burdock Root and Comfrey Root are examples of this.  Burdock Root  nsp- 140-2   is a tonic, diuretic and has also been used for skin disorders. (i.e.  eczema, acne, boils.) 

Comfrey Root  nsp- Golden Salve 1698-0  nsp- Black Salve 1696-9

Both the root and the leaves are valued as a herbal supplement. High in vitamins and minerals it has nutrients that aids in cell growth.  The root consumed daily as a tea is documented to be a tonic for the mucous layer in the digestive tract and the

nsp- respiratory system.

Autumn foods consist of nuts, beans, seeds, grains, proteins and vegetables. Baked winter squash stuffed with grains and mushrooms is a perfect fall dinner!