KM Bodycare

Health and Wellness Now



Oranges on the Tree

The ripening fruit of an orange is a signal of Winter

Eating what is in season creates a healthy body that is aligned with nature. Remember food is a form of medicine and dietary abuse can lead to imbalances and dis-ease

Seasonal Health

December 21st, the date of the winter solstice marks the beginning  of Winter.  A  time of replenishment, resting and looking within. Water is the Chinese element thus the Kidneys and the Bladder are the organs we want to keep in balance. It is vital to rest and sleep enough. Also maintain cleanliness within and without to stay healthy during this season.   I will  focus on foods, herbs, minerals, vitamins, and cell salts that are associated with this season. . Go to News Flash   and     Karen’s Corner for more information. 

Uva Ursi

Berries of the Uva Ursi Plant